
Libya Hints At Gun-Running Compensation

Long-awaited recognition of Tripoli's involvement in IRA terrorism has moved a step closer.

At the same time as the Scottish Government prepared to publish documents it says justify the decision to release the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing (pictured) on compassionate grounds, Libya is believed to be in talks with the UK Government about a potential compensation deal for victims of Tripoli-backed IRA terrorism.

The announcement was made by a senior official in Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's government on Monday night.

Hundreds of relatives are involved in a multi-million damages claim against the Libyan leader for his country's role in providing arms and explosives to republican terrorists during the Troubles.

Their calls for justice intensified after the release of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi from a Scottish jail on compassionate grounds.

Yesterday, Tripoli hinted that they may be willing to consider a payout in recognition of their role in arming the IRA.

Libya's Secretary for International Co-operation Mohammed Siala told British media that the issue of compensation had been discussed with London.

"It is a special case. We have a good understanding with the UK," he said.

After Lockerbie bomber Megrahi was released following his diagnosis with terminal cancer, families of IRA victims called on Colonel Gaddafi to show the same compassion and settle their claim.

DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson had planned to meet the Foreign Office on Thursday regarding ongoing litigation against Gaddafi on behalf of IRA victims, along with Labour MP Andrew McKinley.

"We remain hopeful that a settlement can be reached but we will need something more definitive from the Libyan government than hints of progress," said Mr Donaldson.

"It is clear that Gordon Brown has come under substantial pressure since the release of the Lockerbie bomber; he should be pressing for compensation for victims of the IRA who were murdered with Libyan support."

See: 'Compensate IRA Victims': Donaldson


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