
UK troops in Iraq 'ill-equipped', MPs claim

British troops fighting in Iraq are under-equipped and overstretched, a committee of MPs has claimed.

A report by the all-party Defence Committee said that soldiers needed better-protected patrol vehicles in order to protect them them from roadside bombs, as well as more helicopters.

The report also identified problems with other military equipment, including Snatch Land Rovers, which were lightly armoured and originally designed for use in Northern Ireland. However, the report said that they offered inadequate protection against the more sophisticated roadside bombs in Iraq.

The report warned that the troops now faced a "significantly higher threat" in southern Iraq.

Committee chairman, Conservative MP James Arbuthnot, said: "The MoD must address equipment shortages and capability gaps as a matter of urgency."

Commenting on the report, Defence Secretary Des Browne admitted that there was pressure on British helicopters and air lift capability, but said that steps were already being taken in order to deal with this. He said: "On helicopters, we have a long-term programme to increase operational availability levels - and we continue to explore ways of meeting short-term needs."

Mr Browne also said that a package of new armoured vehicles would be available in Iraq at the end of the year.

However, regarding Committee comments that British troops were overstretched, Mr Browne said: "I share the view of the Chiefs of Staff, that the Armed Forces are stretched, but not overstretched."


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