
Health inequalities across UK widen claims BMJ report

A report by the British Medical Journal shows that health inequalities throughout the UK are at their widest since Victorian times.

Life expectancy continues to rise in the most advantaged areas of the country at a greater pace than in the poorest areas.

Glasgow City has the worst life expectancy, 72.9 years, compared to Kensington and Chelsea at 82.4 years.

Latching onto the report, the Conservative's Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said: “Labour has failed to reverse the trend of health inequalities across Britain. Only yesterday John Reid said the Government was committed to tackling health inequalities but this is all talk.”

He continued: “At the heart of the inequality are two failures. Firstly, the Government has failed to prioritise public health-services are fragmented and Labour have delivered weak, inconsistent messages. Secondly, GPs have not been given enough control to deliver changes.

"In contrast, Conservatives would provide an integrated public health service and spearhead a strong national awareness campaign. We will devolve NHS resources to family doctor services, which will enable GPs to deliver stronger screening programmes, promote better awareness and ensure better access – especially for those on lower incomes.”


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