
New employers guide to tackle stigma of mental ill-health

A new guide calling on employers and public and voluntary organisations to tackle the stigma of mental health problems – conditions which affect one-in-six British adults – has been published by the government today.

Launched to coincide with World Mental Health Day, the Social Exclusion Unit's guide sets out the key issues on mental health and social inclusion and provides practical tips for action.

In particular, the fact sheets focus on employers, financial services, public service agencies and voluntary bodies.

The publication is the next step in the government's drive to "change attitudes towards people with mental health problems".

Minister for Social Exclusion, Jeff Rooker said that stigma and discrimination all too often cut people with mental health problems off from opportunity.

"We know that stigma is often caused by a lack of understanding and knowledge. It's essential we give service providers the information they need to open doors to people with mental health problems," he said.

"I want to encourage better opportunities for people with mental health problems. This guide has been designed to help them too - to give them the information and resources they need to challenge bad practice."

There are 12 individual fact sheets covering a range of topics from families to discrimination to employment. They include case studies and best practice drawn from across the country and full lists of sources and contacts for extra support and advice.

Action on Mental Health was developed in partnership with the National Institute for Mental Health in England, with the help of many other local and national organisations.


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