
Israeli 'extra-judicial assassinations' condemned by UN

The senior UN envoy for the Middle East, Terje Roed-Larsen, has condemned Israel's "extra-judicial assassination" on Sunday of four Palestinians, when helicopter gunships fired missiles into a car in Gaza City, reportedly killing a Hamas militant and three others.

Mr Roed- Larsen, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, reiterated the world body's "consistent and vocal opposition to such assassinations".

Israel clearly has a right to live in peace and security, Mr Roed-Larsen said in a statement, but no country can resort to these extra-judicial measures.

He urged all parties to halt violent actions and immediately re-engage in a constructive process toward peace, as outlined in the road map – the plan drawn up by the UN, US, EU and Russian Federation that calls for Israel and the Palestinians to take a series of reciprocal steps culminating in the creation of two states living peacefully side by side by 2005.

The Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights, Bertrand Ramcharan, has also condemned acts of violence by both the Israeli and Palestinian sides over the past week and appealed to all parties to refrain from any further violence and to do their utmost to control those who commit terrorist acts against civilians or engage in the disproportionate use of force.

Mr Ramcharan called last week's Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem, which killed 20 people, "senseless and repulsive violence" but also referred to subsequent Israeli military operations and "extra-judicial killings".

"Such acts of violence on both sides are severe and unacceptable breaches of the truce agreed upon by the Palestinian Authority and Israel and work against all efforts carried out so far within the road map process to achieve a just and sustainable peace in the region," he said.


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