
Concern grows over measles resurgence

Health experts have expressed fears that the decline in uptake of MMR vaccination could lead to a serious measles outbreak in the near future.

A paper published in the most recent edition of Science Journal looks at the risk of measles re-establishing itself in this country and becoming an endemic disease.

The study, carried out by a number of researchers from Royal Holloway University of London, Imperial College London and the Health Protection Agency (HPA), indicated that more outbreaks of measles in England and Wales occurred between 1999-2002 than the previous four years.

Dr Mary Ramsay, from the HPA and one of the authors of the paper, said: “Although the current rate of measles has decreased significantly since the late 1960s, when we would see up to 800,000 notifications in a year, this latest piece of research shows we are now seeing a rise in local outbreaks.

"We are concerned that if this pattern continues, the increasing number of unvaccinated people could lead to an increase in the number of susceptible children, which in turn could lead to measles re-establishing itself as an endemic disease. This is why it’s vitally important to reassure parents that MMR is the safest and most effective method of protecting our children."


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