
Other News In Brief

Body Of Lee Rigby To Be Moved To His Regiment

Drummer Lee Rigby will be moved later today to his regiment's garrison church, ahead of his funeral tomorrow.

The body of the 25-year-old will be guarded overnight by members of his regiment.

Drummers will escort the cortege to Bury Parish Church shortly after 4pm, to be met by a guard of honour of 40 soldiers from his regiment and a service will be held for the family.

Stalking Advocacy Group Formed

A new advocacy group for victims of stalking will be launched on Thursday.

Paladin aims to help victims by developing a co-ordinated community response to stalking.

It intends to campaign for restraining orders to be more effective, for statutory rights for victims and to urge a review of how family courts operate.

Its directors were among those who campaigned for a new stalking law.

Campers Told Not To Burn Toilet Paper

Campers have been told to forgo traditional instructions and not burn their toilet paper.

As toilet paper takes a long time to break down and can blow about in the wind, people are usually advised to burn it after use.

However, with the recent warm weather raising the risk of wild fires, campers and the like are now being asked not to burn.


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