
Other News In Brief

Poll Suggest Half Of Lb Dem Want Clegg To Quit

Almost half of Lib Dem members want Nick Clegg to resign as leader before the general election, a survey released on Wednesday suggests.

The poll, conducted by the Liberal Democrat Voice website, says the membership is split almost 50/50 on whether Clegg should lead the party into the election, due in 2015.

The findings will embolden those in the party who want Clegg to stand aside for someone less closely associated with the Conservatives, although there seems to be very little demand for a leadership challenge any time soon.

Gossip Website TMZ Publish Naked Prince Harry Pictures

A US celebrity gossip website has published pictures of a naked Prince Harry.

larence House confirmed that the grainy mobile phone pictures, taken in Las Vegas and published online by TMZ early on Wednesday, UK time, are genuine, but declined to comment further.

However, royal aides are understood to have moved quickly to warn British media organisations not to republish the embarrassing photographs.

The prince, who is third in line to the throne, is shown without clothing in two pictures taken on his trip to Las Vegas.

23 Tonnes Of Rubbish Left On Brighton Beach

Beach goers have been urged to take their rubbish home with them after 23 tonnes had to be collected off Brighton beach over the weekend.

Brighton and Hove City Council said despite installing 60 extra litter bins the beachfront was left covered with rubbish.

It has also employed 20 extra seasonal staff to cope with the increase in litter.

Councillor Ollie Sykes said the the level of litter was "astonishing".

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04 November 2014
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22 April 2010
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28 June 2013
Scotland To Introduce Plastic Bag Charge
Scotland is to introduce a plastic bag charge for shoppers by 2014. Retailers will have to charge a minimum of 5p per bag, as part of a move to reduce carrier bag use. The move would bring Scotland in line with Northern Ireland, which already has a similar scheme in place. Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead announced the move today.
24 August 2012
The Sun Publishes Naked Prince Harry Photos
The Sun has become the first British newspaper to publish pictures of a naked Prince Harry in Las Vegas. No other UK newspaper has published the images taken in his hotel suite which shows the the prince naked cavorting with a blond woman. In an editorial The Sun claimed there was a "clear public interest" in publishing the photographs.
17 August 2010
Roadside Litter Campaign Launched
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