
NHS Should Be Encouraged To Expand Abroad

The government should encourage high-profile NHS hospitals in England to set up profit-making branches abroad to help fund services in the UK, the Department of Health and UK Trade and Investment have said.

The drive, building on an initiative first started under the Labour government, will be launched this autumn.

An agency will aim to link hospitals such as Great Ormond Street with foreign governments that want access to British-run health services.

Investment would be drawn from hospitals' private UK work, but with profits ploughed back into the NHS.

A patients' group said the move was a "distraction" at a time of "upheaval".

It is understood the initiative is unlikely to involve regular district or general hospitals but would target world-renowned hospitals like the Royal Marsden, Great Ormond Street and Guy's and St Thomas'.

It would mirror schemes such as that of Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, which in 2007 built a unit of the same name in Dubai. Children's hospital Great Ormond Street also has interests abroad.


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