
Other News In Brief

Tomlinson Pathologist Found To Be ‘Dishonest’

The pathologist who conducted the first post-mortem on Ian Tomlinson is "dishonest" and "liable to bring his profession into disrepute", according a disciplinary panel.

Dr Freddy Patel said Mr Tomlinson, who was pushed to the ground by a policeman at the G20 protests in London in 2009, had died of coronary artery disease.

A Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel found this was wrong.

In total, the panel identified 77 failings in Dr Patel's work on the case of Mr Tomlinson. It is now considering whether he should be allowed to continue as a pathologist.

Poll Finds Voters Don’t Expect Coalition To Survive

A new poll, by ICM/Guardian, has found that just one in six voters thinks the coalition will survive until the 2015 elections.

Just 16% of the electorate expected it to stay the course to the planned May 2015 election, down by half on the 33% who had said the same thing to ICM two weeks before. The proportion expecting the coalition to last until a few months shy of the election is also down, from 23% a fortnight ago to 19%.

43% think the coalition will collapse over the next couple of years, a near doubling from the 23% in late July. In addition some 11% (up from 7%) expect the partnership to break down even sooner, to give an overall majority of 54% who no longer believe the government will last into 2015.

’Spirit Of Generosity’ Praised

The "spirit of generosity" demonstrated by British people during the London 2012 Olympics has been hailed by Games chief Lord Coe.

The public mood was his highlight of the Games, which ended with a musical closing ceremony and the handover to the next host city, Rio de Janeiro.

He said the Paralympics, first held in the UK in 1948, were "coming home".

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04 September 2007
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21 August 2012
Tomlinson Pathologist Found 'Unfit To Practice'
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09 May 2011
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