
Thousands Of Jobcentre Staff On Strike

6000 staff in 32 Jobcentre’s have undertaken a day of strike action in an ongoing dispute of "oppressive working conditions and unrealistic targets".

Members of the Public and Commercial Services Union in England, Scotland and Wales have walked out in a repeat of industrial action first taken last year.

They claim "draconian" conditions are preventing them from providing a decent service.

"With unemployment remaining high and our economy in the grip of recession, it is shameful that Jobcentre bosses are still refusing to let their staff provide the kind of help and advice that people need,” PCS general secretary, Mark Serwotka, said/

"These call centres provide a vital lifeline. Inquiries are often complicated, and people struggling to find their way around the benefits system are often understandably desperate and upset, but staff are being forced to end calls as quickly as possible just to meet an artificial target.

"Our members care about the services they provide and they want to be able to help people properly, not have to fob them off."


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