
Other News In Brief

Fraud Suspect Re-Arrested On Suspicion Of Waugh Murder

Police investigating the murder of British woman Carole Waugh have re-arrested Rakesh Bhayani.

Bhayani had already been charged with conspiracy to commit fraud relating to transactions worth £280,000 from the missing woman's bank accounts, when he was arrested on Thursday morning on suspicion of her murder.

Bhayani, who is unemployed, appeared via video link at Westminster magistrates court on 24 July charged with three counts of conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation. He was remanded in custody to appear at Southwark crown court on 25 September.

Last week police arrested Nicholas Kutner, 47, on an incoming flight at Luton airport and questioned him on suspicion of the kidnap and murder of Waugh. Kutner has been charged with four counts of fraud in connection with the investigation and is remanded in custody.

40% Of Crimes Not Investigated

About 40% of crimes reported to Devon and Cornwall Police in the most recent year were not investigated.

Of 91,532 incidents reported during the 2011/12 financial year, 36,575 were not investigated after an initial assessment, figures published under Freedom of Information Act show.

The Police Federation claimed it showed that cuts were affecting policing and the force was failing crime victims.

The force said crimes were investigated when more information came to light.

Fewer Jellyfish Spotted In UK Waters

Fewer jellyfish have been spotted in UK waters this year although recent warmer weather could bring out more blooms, conservationists said.

This time last year thousands of jellyfish were seen off the UK, said the Marine Conservation Society (MCS).

But according to the society's national jellyfish survey, far fewer have been spotted this year, with most of the sightings on the west coast of the UK.

The unusual weather might have affected jellyfish life cycles at sea, the MCS said.

Weeks of heavy rain this summer also kept people away from beaches and the sea, so fewer reports have been coming in, although regular jellyfish recorders also report seeing far fewer this year.

In the last week sunnier weather and the school holidays prompted more reports of jellyfish, and the MCS is calling on people to report their sightings.

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