
Other News In Brief

Search Continues For Missing School Girl

It has been reported that police searching for missing 12-year-old Tia Sharp have been taking a German shepherd dog into her grandmother’s house.

The school girl has been missing for five days now.

A dog handler and the animal entered the terraced house in New Addington, south London, soon after detectives updated Tia's family on progress. They left after about 20 minutes. The house is thought to be the last place that Tia was seen before her disappearance.

Detective Chief Inspector Nick Scola had earlier said he could not yet share details of the ongoing investigation.

Man Jailed For Death Crash

A motorist who took drugs and then fell asleep at the wheel has been jailed for a crash which killed a passenger.

Lara Smith, 17, died when Matthew Norcott hit a central reservation at 83mph in Lidlington, Bedfordshire, on 13 November last year.

Norcott, 27, of Furlong Road, Pershore, Worcestershire, admitted causing death by careless driving whilst unfit through drugs and two related charges.

He was jailed for seven-and-a half-years at Luton Crown Court.

Kym Marsh Cautioned And Fined For Flytipping

Coronation Street actress Kym Marsh has been issued with a caution and fine for flytipping.

Marsh was charged with the illegal dumping of rubbish after a number of her Coronation Street scripts were found within the dumped bags.

However, Salford City Council decided to withdraw the charges following the presentation of “new evidence”.

Paul Scott, prosecuting on behalf of Salford City Council, told Manchester City Magistrates' Court: "In light of new evidence and information the city council has reviewed this case following detailed representations made by the defendant. After careful consideration it is believed it would not be in the public interest to continue with the prosecution." He said Kym, 36, had "admitted her guilt to this charge" by accepting "a simple caution".

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