
Polling Day Voting 'Steady'

Voting is underway in the European Parliamentary elections at polling stations across Northern Ireland.

Very limited disruption earlier in the day has failed to prevent voters turning out, with the sunny weather also helping boost numbers which this afternoon was being described as "steady".

The Electoral Commission has also again urged would-be voters to bring identification with them to the polling station.

However, just hours before the polls opened, the home of Northern Ireland Regional Development Minister Conor Murphy was attacked by arsonists and there were also two fake security alerts in Lurgan.

Some scorch damage was caused to the Sinn Féin Executive member's family home at Camlough, Co Armagh, in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Paint was also thrown during the attack and two cars were damaged.

Police examined two suspicious objects in another part of Co Armagh earlier today after they were discovered in a nationalist area of Lurgan.

The Brownlow Terrace and Lake Street/Castor Road areas were closed as a result of the alerts for a time, before the double alerts were declared to be hoaxes.

However, European election polling stations at Lurgan Model and Tannaghmore Primary remained open for voters, a police spokesperson said.

Speaking about the Lurgan alerts, local Sinn Féin MLA John O'Dowd said those behind the alerts were trying to prevent people from voting.

But, with polls open from 7am and not due to close until 10pm, there's plenty of opportunity to cast votes for the European Parliament.

Northern Ireland has seven candidates fighting for the region's three European seats.

They are Stephen Agnew of the Green Party, Jim Allister of Traditional Unionist Voice, Bairbre de Brun of Sinn Fein, Diane Dodds of the DUP, Alban Maginness of the SDLP, Jim Nicholson of the Ulster Conservatives and Unionists, and Ian Parsley of the Alliance party.

The votes cast will be validated at the King's Hall in Belfast on Sunday before counting starts on Monday morning.

The first results are expected by mid afternoon on Monday.

See: 'Dissident' Fire Attack On SF Murphy's Home


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