
Ministers off to Spain to meet victims’ groups

Northern Ireland Office Victims Minister Des Browne and Junior Stormont Minister Des Haughey are to meet with politicians and victims’ groups in Spain.

The trip will form a part of Mr Browne's review of the NIO’s strategic response to victims’ issues, will use the trip to examine the measures the Spanish and Basque administrations have put in place to help the victims of the ETA terrorist campaign.

Denis Haughey, Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister responsible for victims’ issues in the Executive will also travel to Vitoria and Bilbao in Spain on Wednesday for a two-day series of meetings with Basque Government Officials, Basque political leaders and victim's groups to gather information on policies for dealing with victims issues.

Before leaving for Spain, Mr Haughey said: "It is essential to acknowledge and address the suffering of the victims of violence as a necessary element of reconciliation. Victims should be able to remember as well as contributing to a changed society. We have a fundamental duty to ensure that those who have suffered most as a result of the conflict are not denied the benefits of peace.

“The arrangements which have been made by the Basque Government for dealing with victims of violence have been widely praised, so I am anxious to see what we can learn from their approach to this issue.

The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister recent published 'Reshape, Rebuild, Achieve', the strategy document aimed at delivering practical help and services to victims of the conflict in Northern Ireland.

Speaking before his departure, Des Browne said: “As Victims Minister I fully intend to keep the issue of victims at the top of my agenda. I am keen, therefore, to learn from other administrations about support mechanisms for victims and to share experiences about coping with trauma.

“I am working to ensure that the strategy we have in place meets the varied needs of victims and is capable of moving forward and adapting to a changing environment."

Mr Browne said that he was keen to explore the views and experiences of all those involved who could contribute to the overall understanding of victims issues in Northern Ireland.


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