
Skills Scoring

Appropriately as the school term gets into full swing today, it has been announced that thousands of 'learners' have completed an Essential Skills qualification over the last year.

The NI Employment and Learning Minister Sir Reg Empey today welcomed the news that 12,200 people have successfully undertaken the qualification since the launch of the Department for Employment and Learning's Essential Skills Strategy in 2002 and that there have been over 85,000 adult enrolments on literacy and numeracy courses.

Sir Reg said that improving 'Essential Skills' was a key priority of his department and added: "Good reading, writing and maths skills form an important part of every day life and enable adults to change their lives in ways they thought weren’t possible.

"As a result of gaining these qualifications many are benefiting from greater job opportunities, better quality of life."

The Minister was speaking ahead of the start of a new Essential Skills advertising campaign, 'Get the know-how'.

He continued: "My department has set a new challenging target of supporting a further 38,000 learners to achieve an Essential Skills qualification by 2011.

"I would encourage those adults who may be terrified about working with figures or helping their children with their homework to call the helpline, as evidence shows that joining an Essential Skills class has already helped many others to get the know-how and improve many areas of their lives."


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