
NIPSA Condemns Republican Threat To Traffic Wardens

The union representing Northern Ireland public servants, NIPSA, has condemned the threats against Belfast NCP staff.

NCP traffic wardens have been withdrawn from west Belfast, following threats from dissident republicans.

The matter is now being dealt with by the PSNI, who are expected to meet with NCP officials to discuss the situation.

NIPSA has called on the threats to be removed immediately. Union spokesman John Corey said: "No workers should be subjected to any threat no matter what job they undertake.

"The traffic wardens do perform a very important function and I think most people, in the public in Northern Ireland recognise that, they contribute to road safety and they have a job to do," he added.

Last week, the Road Service's Simon Richardson said it was hoped the situation would be resolved as soon as possible.

"Our work is solely focused on traffic management and keeping traffic flowing in busy areas - having no parking enforcement will only have a negative impact in the area."

Last month a Fermanagh dissident republican faction issued a similar threat to DOE staff and customs officials working in the Province.

NI Environment Sammy Wilson lambasted the threat against them at the time, described the staff involved as just "normal people".


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