
Cross Border Team To Tackle Fuel Faudsters

Law enforcement agencies from both Northern Ireland and the Republic are to establish a new cross-border group to tackle fuel fraud.

The joining of forces will provide a new approach to combat the multi-million pound illegal business.

The multi-agency strategy will include members of the Gardaí, Revenue and customs officers, the Criminal Assets Bureau and their counterparts in Northern Ireland.

The Cross Border Fuel Fraud Enforcement Group will, in Northern Ireland, operate under the backing of the Organised Crime Task Force.

Originally established by NIO direct rule Security Minister Paul Goggins, who chairs OCTF, the new team will track down those who acquire their ill-gotten gains through running fuel rackets.

It is suggested that the Northern Ireland exchequer lose out of hundreds of millions of pounds because of these fraudsters, who pocket 50p for every litre of illicit fuel they sell on.

Today, the OCTF published its annual report, which discussed how between 2005 and 2006 non-UK duty paid diesel represented 43% of Northern Ireland’s market share, which created a total loss of revenue of £270m (€341m).

"Whilst legitimate cross-border shopping accounts for some of the revenue lost, deliberate oils fraud is believed to account for the vast majority," said the report.


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