
Victims Highlighted As Trauma Centre Praised

With victims' issues very much on the agenda in general, a visit by Stormont Junior Minister Jeffrey Donaldson to an innovative facility aimed at dealing with trauma was well timed.

He called at the Shankill Stress and Trauma Centre to congratulate staff on 21 years of delivering support to victims.

The organisation has provided mental health services to those mostly affected by the conflict and other social traumas for much of its existence and continues to provide high levels of service delivery to all communities across north and west Belfast.

Speaking at the Centre, Mr Donaldson said victims and survivors groups have an important role, alongside other providers, in delivering support services.

"There is no doubt that victims' groups can provide much that the statutory sector cannot offer.

"The existence of a strong community based sector to address the needs of victims is vital," he said.

Meanwhile, the father of a UVF murder victim - who was killed by a proven police informer - is to form a new and independent victims' group along with other relatives of people killed in NI.

Raymond McCord's son, Raymond jnr, 22, was beaten to death in a Newtownabbey quarry in November 1997. The young former RAF man was ironically killed on Remembrance Sunday by a UVF man - who was also a paid RUC informer.

On Monday, the Assembly debated the murder and alleged police collusion with the loyalists responsible.

Mr McCord said the official, highly paid Victims Commission set up by the Assembly was a "sham" and a new cross-community group would be established this week.


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