
Robinson To Discuss Post Office Closures

News of the proposed closure of as many as three east Belfast post offices has prompted the MP for the area to agree a meeting with senior Royal Mail officials.

Peter Robinson, who is also the MLA for the constituency, said that if the proposals go ahead, then the three much needed branches at Orangefield – on the Castlereagh Road, the Belmont out post at Campbell Park Avenue and the Summerhill post office, are earmarked for closure.

He said while there is a realization that the proposals are just a part of a plan to shut 100 branches across Northern Ireland, all of which is part of the UK-wide restructuring of the company, there remains a six-week consultation procedure to be exhausted.

"I shall be making my representations to Post Office officials at the highest levels, and to lend my support to the communities that are likely to most feel the impact of these proposals," he said.

The Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association (NIIRTA) - which is also based in east Belfast - has already expressed concern that the proposed closures will have a negative impact on the local economy.

"While we understand the commercial realities, it is clearly a great disappointment that so many post offices are going to close. This will be a blow to local retailers and many local communities in Northern Ireland," said Chief Executive Glyn Roberts.

"The closure of these post offices is clearly connected to the decline of small local shops in our high streets, which already have to put up with disastrous out of town planning decisions and anti-competitive practices of the big multiples," he said.

The plan proposes future provision of Post Office services through a network of 492 branches, including 54 outreach outlets, while 42 branches would close. The number of branches in the network currently is 534.

Of the 492 branches that are proposed to remain open, 54 Post Office branches will be operated through a form of outreach service. These services are supposed to give customers continued access to Post Office services in their local communities on a regular basis without having to travel to another branch.

Possible types of outreach service include a mobile Post Office visiting small communities at set times; a hosted service operated within third-party premises for restricted hours each week (a local community centre, for example); a partner service within the premises of local retail partner - such as a shop - or a home service whereby customers can contact a subpostmaster by telephone for Post Office services.

The Post Office Ltd is seeking views on the proposed future service provision in Northern Ireland including, in particular, views on access to Post Office services, the accessibility of alternative branches to those proposed for closure and the appropriate provision of outreach services.

See: Independent Stores Boss Slams Post Offices Closure Plan

See: www.postoffice.co.uk/networkchange


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