
Initiative tackles the digital divide

A pioneering community initiative has been launched in Northern Ireland to close the Digital Divide.

EverybodyOnline is designed to help excluded communities engage with digital technology and the Internet.

The project was launched today by Finance Minister, David Hanson, at a reception at The Grand Opera House, Belfast earlier today.

A Digital Divide still exists in Northern Ireland, with research commissioned by the Digital Inclusion Unit within the Department of Finance & Personnel highlighting that 43% of the population do not make use of the Internet.

To help ensure that everyone is included in the new digital world, EverybodyOnline has developed six projects in response to the needs identified. Each will work with specific groups, to introduce them to the benefits of digital technology. These groups are: People with a physical disability; People with a learning disability; Older people, both in their own and residential homes; Socially excluded groups, within the areas of the North West, and the rural communities of Fermanagh and South Tyrone.

The project in Northern Ireland is a joint initiative from BT and the Delivery & Innovation Division within the Department of Finance & Personnel, delivered by charity Citizens Online. It aims to help excluded groups overcome any barriers they may have to technology, so everyone can take advantage of the wealth of opportunities digital technology and the Internet has to offer.

David Hanson said: "The Government is committed to reducing the digital divide and the Delivery & Innovation Division within the Department of Finance & Personnel has already sponsored a number of digital inclusion projects aimed at getting Northern Ireland's citizens online. Today I am delighted to announce the launch of another - EverbodyOnline.

“This initiative will help communities overcome any barriers they may have to technology, and help them to take advantage of the opportunities technology and the Internet have to offer, rather than excluding them."

Alastair Hamilton, Managing Director, BT Northern Ireland, said: “BT is especially pleased that the programme addresses the obstacles people have to getting online such as the lack of skills and confidence. Most importantly the projects will address the needs of older people, disabled people and those in the west of Northern Ireland directly and help them find uses for the technology that is most useful to them.”

Recent figures also show that one third of adults in the UK have never used the Internet and that if this trend continues 23 million adults are at risk of losing access to fundamental services like medical information and education by 2025 if they continue to avoid modern technology.


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