
NI competitiveness discussed at EDF

The Economic Development Forum (EDF) met recently to discuss Northern Ireland's economic competitiveness.

The EDF is comprised of representatives of the private, voluntary and academic sectors, the trades unions and government.

Items on the agenda included a presentation from the Industrial Task Force, chaired by Sir George Quigley, on fiscal incentives and wider issues for the Northern Ireland economy.

Speaking after the meeting Michael Maguire, Chair of the Forum's Skills Sub-group, said that the meeting had given representatives an opportunity to debate some very important issues.

He said: "The Forum agreed that a more radical and step-change approach is needed to help the economy in transition and make it more sustainable going forward. Members recognised the need to have Government and public policies that adapt quickly to changing economic circumstances and that some form of fiscal incentives would be crucial to growing the private sector and achieving the aim of higher skilled and better jobs. In particular, the Forum welcomed Sir George Quigley's presentation on the work of the Industrial Task Force.”

A first draft of the Regional Economic Strategy for Northern Ireland - to build on the Economic Vision, was also tabled for members' consideration and comment. The Forum welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the evolution of the strategy which is aimed at moving the NI economy onto a higher growth trajectory.

David Dobbin, Chair of the Forum's Innovation sub-group commented: “Members of the Forum welcomed the opportunity to debate the emerging Regional Economic Strategy and to provide constructive feedback on this draft.

"In addition, members expressed their willingness to contribute further as the strategy is progressed. It is vital that all Northern Ireland's economic stakeholders have the opportunity to contribute to this strategy, and the EDF has provided an appropriate and constructive forum for this.”

Representatives of the DUP, Sinn Fein, UUP and SDLP also attended the meeting.


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