
Strategy unveiled to assist agri-food market

Agriculture Minister Ian Pearson and Enterprise Minister Barry Gardiner today announced the Government's response to the Food Strategy Group's 'Fit for Market' report.

The report outlined a strategy to assist the food industry in Northern Ireland in achieving its fullest economic potential and contained a series of proposals in key areas, such as market understanding and development, innovation, capability development and supply chain management.

An industry-led Food Strategy Implementation Partnership (FSIP), chaired by Dan Flinter, has been established to oversee implementation of the agreed recommendations contained within the report.

Mr Pearson said: "The agri-food industry is vitally important to the economy of Northern Ireland, as an indigenous industry, covering the full supply chain from producer to retailer.

"Having considered the Food Strategy Group Report, we in Government agree with its conclusions and also agree that they form the foundations on which a plan for the strategic development of the industry can be built.

"We believe that the report's recommendations can greatly help us along the road to achieving an integrated, coherent and proactive response to meeting the evolving needs of the industry.

Commenting on the formation of the FSIP, Mr Gardiner added: "I am delighted that Dan Flinter has agreed to continue his involvement and Chair the new FSIP. This appointment will provide continuity of purpose and will ensure that the industry benefits from his extensive experience.

“It also bodes well for the Northern Ireland food industry that the FSIP has been able to attract a very impressive and broadly based membership, including Clarke Black, David Dobbin, Joanne Denney-Finch, Jimmy Hill, Christine Kennedy, Richard Moore and Clare Passmore.

"I am confident that this strategy and the partnership approach to implementation will significantly contribute to the growth of the Northern Ireland food industry and make it more innovative, market focused and capable."

FSG 'Fit for Market' report sets out 31 recommendations to be implemented by DARD and Invest NI, under themes, to include Market Understanding and Development; Capability Development; Fostering Innovation; Supply Chain Management; and Alternative Employment Opportunities.


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