
Business park extension to create 90 jobs

Around 90 new jobs are to be created in Co Tyrone thanks to a £1.2 million business park extension.

Strabane Enterprise Agency announced the decision to extend its premises at Orchard Road Industrial Estate which will see an additional 22 units added to the complex.

Funding for the new extension is being provided by the International Fund for Ireland (£500,000), Peace II (£450,000) and Strabane Enterprise Agency.

International Fund for Ireland Chairman, William McCarter, said: “We are very pleased to be supporting Strabane Enterprise Agency in the development of Phase II of its workspace.

“The development of this site will further raise the level of enterprise awareness in the Strabane District Council area through the provision of much needed workspace.”

Maeve Hamilton, the Peace II Programme Manager from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, which awarded the £450,000 grant to Strabane Enterprise Agency, said: “It is widely recognised that the workplace provides an ideal environment in which to bring together people from different community backgrounds and by doing so many of the barriers to reconciliation can be overcome.

“The economic transition of Northern Ireland to a more stable, peaceful and prosperous society needs to be supported through development of the local economic infrastructure. This can be progressed through projects such as the one receiving funding today.”

Patrick Doherty, Chairman of Strabane Enterprise Agency, added: “Over the years Strabane Enterprise has been quietly developing and growing indigenous business in the Strabane District through provision of workspace and business support services.

“I feel that indigenous business start and growth is the key to economic recovery.”

He said the region had suffered several severe economic blows in recent times, mostly affecting the larger firms in the traditional manufacturing sector. It was therefore particularly heartening to see small local firms developing, he added.


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