
Ministers Urge Public To Keep Warm And Well This Winter

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt and Communities Minister Gordon Lyons have urged the public to access advice and services that can help them to keep warm and well this winter.

Practical information and support are available to help people stay healthy and well during the colder months. This includes community-based health services, benefits advice, and support with energy bills.

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt said: "Winter can affect people's health, particularly those over 65 and people who have long-term health conditions. Keeping warm, seeking early treatment for minor illness and keeping in contact with others are important ways of ensuring you stay as physically and mentally well as you can over the colder months.

"Your local pharmacist can provide help and advice, particularly for coughs and colds. They can also provide prescriptions for treatment of some minor illness, such as sore throats, without the need to wait for a GP appointment.

"Lots of other practical advice and support is available online and through statutory agencies, health professionals and the voluntary and community sectors. I would urge you to make use of these resources and reach out for the support available if you need it.

"I also want to pay special tribute to everyone across the voluntary and community sectors who are supporting people to stay warm and well with practical help. Not only are you helping individuals, but you are also helping to support the health service by keeping people well in their homes and communities during the busy winter period when our services are inevitably under more pressure. I sincerely thank you for that."
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Communities Minister Gordon Lyons said: "In addition to the £17 million I secured from the Executive to mitigate changes to the Winter Fuel Payment, other services are available through my Department that can help households, who may need additional support, to keep warm and well and I encourage people to get in touch to check possible entitlements.

"The Department's Make the Call Wraparound Service is a free and confidential service which supports people in accessing benefits to which they may be entitled but have not been claiming. This Service secured over £62milllion in additional benefits last year for people who ‘made the call' with customers almost £100 a week better off on average.

"Pension Credit, in particular, can provide access to a range of other supports and benefits which can be a lifeline for our older generations.

Minister Lyons continued: "DfC's Discretionary Support service may be able to offer interest free loans or non-repayable grants to people experiencing financial difficulties. This can include an interest-free loan for help with costs for oil, coal, gas or electric.

"The Universal Credit Contingency Fund payment is a non-repayable grant that may be available to people who have made a new claim to Universal Credit and are experiencing financial difficulties.

"The Universal Credit Contingency Fund payment is a non-repayable grant that may be available to people who have made a new claim to Universal Credit and are experiencing financial difficulties.

"My Department also funds a range of independent advice services who can signpost people to support available.

"I want to ensure that all available support and entitlements go directly to those who most need them."

Online resources are available on NI Direct at: Staying warm in winter

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