
SDLP Seeks Views On Proposed Regional Jobs, Skills and Investment Bill

The SDLP has announced the launch of a public consultation of their proposed Regional Jobs, Skills and Investment Bill, describing it as an opportunity to rebalance the economy across the North.

The consultation opened online today and will close on Sunday 16th February.

Economy Spokesperson and Foyle MLA Sinéad McLaughlin said: "For decades towns and cities in Northern Ireland have been left behind and government strategies, policies and plans have turned a blind eye to poverty and deprivation in our communities. No region has felt this more acutely than the North West, which still tops many of the league tables for unemployment and economic inactivity and which has been systemically disadvantaged as a result of government neglect. We must see a change of approach that ends the economic disparities that hold so many people back.

"Since the Assembly was restored, we have seen a lot of warm words in strategies, particularly from the Minister for the Economy. Yet there has been precious little evidence so far of a change in thinking throughout government, including in those departments where the quality of provision is directly tied to geography, such as the Departments of Health and Education.

"I remain convinced that legislation is needed to rebalance our economy and establish regional economic balance as a thread that runs throughout government decision-making in every department. That will only be achieved through binding obligations on all departments and proper monitoring and enforcement procedures so no Executive can be let off the hook for failing to deliver for those places that have been left behind.

"This consultation is an importance chance for businesses and individuals to have their say on regional economic balance. I would encourage everyone to fill it out and contribute so that we can break down barriers to opportunity and give everyone a fair chance to prosper by levelling the playing field once and for all."

The online consultation can be found here.

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