
O'Dowd Welcomes Progress Of Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme

Infrastructure Minister John O'Dowd has welcomed the progress in the ongoing development of the Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme, which aims to provide a long-term approach to tidal flood risk management for the city and help protect against the flood risk dangers presented by climate change.

The Department for Infrastructure has invested more than £30 million in the scheme. Department Minister, John O'Dowd visited the project, where he took the opportunity to meet the project team and was able to view various areas of completed flood defences and how they integrate with the existing streetscapes.

Speaking after the visit Minister O'Dowd said: "September is preparedness month when we look at ways to boost our readiness ahead of the winter months and the increasingly impactful storms we face as a result of climate change. This was a fitting opportunity to re-visit the scheme and meet the faces behind this critical project which helps Belfast manage the impacts of climate change by ultimately delivering enhanced protection for over 3000 homes and businesses from tidal flooding.

"Since my previous site visit so much more infrastructure has been put in place. In addition to the reinforced concrete flood wall I also got to see some of the glass defences in place at the Waterfront. These provide flood protection yet maintain connectivity and views of the river. Demountable flood barriers are also used to maintain access for towpath users and the team was able to demonstrate how they can assemble these temporary flood defences when required to provide further protection against extreme weather conditions.

"This is exactly the type of infrastructure that will build a better tomorrow by delivering positive change for communities - not just for this generation but for generations to come."

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