
Other News In Brief

Executive Urged To Invest In Public Transport – SDLP

The SDLP has welcomed an increase in the use of bus and rail services across the North but Infrastructure Spokesperson Mark H Durkan urged the Executive to invest in public transport and harness the opportunity it offers.

The Public Transport Statistics Northern Ireland 2023-24 statistical report published today, revealed a 6.5% increase in journeys on public transport and a 7.1% increase in rail journeys, compared to 2022-23.

However, overall travel on public transport has not returned to pre-pandemic levels, representing a 6.2% decrease from 2019-20.

The Foyle MLA said: "The need for investment in public transport has been largely ignored by the Executive. Indeed, the Programme for Government is notable in its lack of commitment to, and detail around future spend.

"The fact that public transport journeys are on the rise, despite multiple fare increases and a fairly limited rail network, is proof of the public's desire to use more sustainable modes of transport. That said, it's still not at pre-pandemic levels and that desire must be supported by making greener modes of transport affordable and accessible.

"Public spending per person on public transport in the North is the lowest among other UK jurisdictions; with just £193 per head spent in Northern Ireland compared to £465 in England and Scotland. That's astounding- while governments in other jurisdictions are driving investment towards public transport and passing on savings to passengers, the North continues to lag behind. In the South, they're full steam ahead with record public transport investment and record passenger numbers. The disparity in action is perfectly exemplified in the ludicrous fact that rail passengers travelling from Belfast to Dublin are paying double the price than those going the opposite direction.

"The Executive must recognise the tremendous opportunity in investing in and improving access to public transport. Investment in this area isn't just about infrastructure- it's about enhancing quality of life, lowering carbon emissions, improving connectivity and driving economic growth across the region. Failure to act now will hamper future prosperity."

Justice Minister Announces Review Of NI Policing Board

A new review of the Northern Ireland Policing Board has been announced by Justice Minister Naomi Long.
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Paul Sweeney, former Permanent Secretary in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, has been appointed as Independent Reviewer. Dr John Topping, senior lecturer of Criminology at Queens University Belfast will act as the Independent Expert Advisor to the Independent Reviewer to inform the review process and outcomes.

The Minister said: "A review of the policing board was initially announced by the former chair of the Board, following a series of policing related incidents. However, it has always been my preference that an independent review be carried out and I thank Paul Sweeney and John Topping for agreeing to take it forward. I look forward to receiving the findings and recommendations of the review in due course.

"The review will be tightly focused and delivered in a timely manner to conclude by the end of December. It will primarily involve members and staff of the NI Policing Board, the PSNI and representative bodies, and the Department of Justice."

Alliance Welcomes New Road Safety Action Plan

The Alliance Party has welcomed the publication of a new Road Safety Action Plan for 2024/25 from the Department of Infrastructure.

The Action Plan is underpinned by the Safe Systems Approach, which is founded on the belief that it is never acceptable that people are killed or seriously injured on our roads.

East Belfast MLA and Alliance Infrastructure Spokesperson, Peter McReynolds, said: "Road safety is of critical importance in Northern Ireland and I welcome the publication of this Action Plan, which clearly outlines specific actions to be taken in this financial year to bring about a maximum reduction in casualties seen on our roads.

"Every life lost on our roads is a tragedy and is avoidable. We must be doing everything we can to enhance the safety of all road users, especially pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and horse riders who are particularly vulnerable on the road network.

"In recent years, we have seen the funding available for road safety measures gradually eroded to less than one million pounds per year. Curtailing funding for road safety is extremely concerning, when the statistical trend suggests that the most effective way to reduce road deaths is to increase spending on road safety initiatives.

"In light of this, I have been working with road safety advocates to establish an All-Party Group on Road Safety in the Northern Ireland Assembly, which will bring together groups from across political and civic society to aid the progression of the Road to Zero.

"Road safety is a top priority for me and my Alliance colleagues, and I am fully committed to working with the Department for Infrastructure, the PSNI, colleagues in the Assembly, and others, to ensure that our roads are safe for everyone."

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