
New Wellbeing Framework Established For NI Healthcare Workers

A new health and wellbeing framework for staff working within Health and Social Care (HSC) in Northern Ireland has been announced by Health Minister Mike Nesbitt.

The new framework – ‘Strengthening our Core: A Regional Framework for HSC Staff Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace' – has been developed with input from more than 1,000 members of staff from a broad cross section of jobs and locations.

The framework provides a valuable resource to assist HSC employers in improving staff health, wellbeing and safety at work. It will help build upon the significant health and wellbeing services and support currently provided and will foster behaviours and practices that promote health and wellbeing for all staff.

The Minister launched the framework during a visit to Causeway Hospital, Coleraine, where he met a group of Health and Wellbeing Champions from the Northern Health and Social Care Trust.

Minister Nesbitt said: "The people who work in the HSC are undoubtedly the system's greatest strength. The experiences of recent years have demonstrated to me that the system simply could not function without the skill, dedication and commitment of our talented, hard-working colleagues, across all disciplines, professions and at all levels.

"As we work collectively to ensure better outcomes for all who use our health and social care services, we must not lose sight of the fact that a healthy and well HSC workforce is central to these aspirations. It is therefore important that our workforce receives the help and support it needs to be healthy, well and safe in work.

"The level and quality of input received from colleagues from across the system demonstrates the importance and value placed on this issue. I want to thank all those involved for their contribution."
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HSC staff across NI provided input to the new framework through a comprehensive series of staff engagement events, including workshops and online sessions.

The Health Minister launched the new framework at Causeway Hospital in Coleraine with Jacqui Reid, Northern Trust Director of Human Resources, and Phil Rodgers, Director of Workforce Policy, DoH.

Jacqui Reid, Director of Human Resources, Organisational Development and Corporate Communications, Northern Trust, who led the team from across the HSC that developed the framework, said: "The demands placed upon our health and social care system in recent times have been unrelenting and our workforce continues to be impacted by the ongoing challenges facing the health service at this time. Staff are under immense pressure to address the increasing numbers of patients on waiting lists, while also striving to modernise and reform health and social care services. Our workforce is our most valuable asset and therefore it's critical we do all we can to support them and prioritise their wellbeing.

"The Framework has a primary focus on prevention and early intervention, creating a culture which promotes health and wellbeing, and places a particular emphasis on constructing a healthy working environment. It is intended that the Framework will continue to evolve to ensure its content remains relevant in meeting the needs of our workforce going forward."

Sandra Anderson is one of the Northern Trust's Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Champions. She said: "As a Champion, I am delighted that staff health and wellbeing is a priority for HSC employers. This framework will be a vital support and guide in supporting employers, managers and Champions like myself in ensuring that the health and wellbeing of staff continues to be prioritised and improved."

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