
Other News In Brief

DoF Report On Rates Support Consultation

The Department of Finance has published a report on responses received to the consultation on the removal of rates support measures for businesses and households.

The consultation directed by the Secretary of State, ran between November 2023 and February 2024.

It sought views on four non-domestic rating support schemes including non-domestic vacant property relief, industrial derating, freight transport relief and the exemption from rates for student halls of residence. Views were also sought on the removal of three domestic rate allowances including the early payment discount, the maximum capital value cap and the landlords' allowance.

Speaking following publication of the report, Minister Archibald said: "Over 1,400 responses were received from ratepayers, businesses and a range of other stakeholders. My Department also undertook a series of public meetings as part of this process. I thank everyone who contributed to the process with their thoughts, ideas and experience.

"Even before I was Finance Minister, I was aware of the level of interest and apprehension around some of these proposals. It was for that reason I wanted to ensure I took the time with my officials to carefully examine all the views from those who responded.

"The consultation directed by the then Secretary of State was limited in nature looking simply at whether support should be removed or retained. Having met with ratepayers and business organisations over recent months I understand these complex issues require careful handling."

Concluding the Minister said: "Rates are an important source of funding in supporting public services bringing in some £1.5 billion of revenue each year. I will be bringing forward short, medium and long-term rating policy proposals including a more strategic longer-term policy approach in the coming weeks.

"I will be engaging with Executive colleagues on the next steps and will continue my engagement with business bodies, organisations and wider society to work together to build a progressive rates system which grows our tax base and stimulates our economy."

Party Bus Drive Fined For Not Having Driving Licence
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A party bus driver has been fined a total of £325 and given six Penalty Points at Belfast Magistrates' Court for a number of offences.

Glenn Hugh Keatings (50) of Forthill Gardens, Newtownabbey was convicted of three road traffic offences. He was fined £75 for failing to hold a valid driving licence, £50 for failing to hold a driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) Qualification and £200 for failing to hold valid motor insurance. He was also ordered to pay a £15 offender levy.

A pink party bus operated by Belfast Pedal Club was stopped by Driver & Vehicle Agency enforcement officers on 19 August 2023 at Forthriver Road, Belfast whilst carrying passengers for hire and reward. Compliance checks were carried out which revealed that Keatings did not hold the appropriate licences and insurance to drive the vehicle.

Greens Express 'Disappointment And Frustration' In Draft Programme For Government

Deputy Leader of the Green Party in Northern Ireland, Lesley Veronica has expressed her "disappointment and frustration" at the Executive's draft Programme for Government.

The Deputy Leader said: "Despite hundreds of hours of meetings with senior civil servants prior to the Assembly returning and 215 days to develop a distinct and clear plan, this document is deeply disappointing. It provides limited clear actions on what this Executive will do over the next few years to address the many crises that we face in Northern Ireland. There are vague promises, lots of buzz words and it seems the Executive, which is a master at symbolism and photo-opportunities, seems to have replicated that in this vague draft programme for government. Coupled with a weak legislative schedule, this is deeply disappointing."

Mrs Veronica continued "Through their inaction, poor policy decisions and addiction to instability these parties have created numerous crises in Northern Ireland. Over 45,000 people are on a housing waiting list. 1 in 4 people here are on a health and social care waiting list. Lough Neagh is dying before our eyes and poverty, inequality, intolerance and paramilitarism continue to plague our communities.

"While Tory austerity plays a role, these crises have been created or made worse by these 5 parties in their 26 years of on and off again government.

"The Green Party looks forward to responding and we hope civil society will respond robustly to urge much more detailed ambition."

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