
Minister Welcomes Work To Tackle Illegal Puppy Breeding And Smuggling

DAERA Minister, Andrew Muir, has welcomed the ongoing work to tackle illegal puppy breeding and smuggling.

The Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs visited Larne Harbour to meet with members of the multi-agency enforcement Paws for Thought Group.

The Paws for Thought multi-agency group was formed by DAERA in 2020 to deter and disrupt rogue breeders and puppy traffickers. This is undertaken with a coordinated approach through routine and targeted checks at ferry terminals, as well as follow up activity to identify potential illegal breeding sites.

Speaking at the visit, Minister Muir said: "Safeguarding animal health and welfare is one of my key priorities and I am delighted to be here today and hear first-hand about how all the organisations involved in this group have worked collaboratively to disrupt the trafficking of pups through this port and also Belfast Harbour.
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"We know pups bred by illegal unlicensed breeders are often subject to horrendous conditions both when bred as well as when transported. They are frequently in very poor health and can have limited life expectancies. Those involved in this abhorrent trade traffic many of the pups to Great Britain, where they are sold at very high prices. Innocent animal lovers are often subsequently duped into believing these pups have come from a reputable breeder. Sadly, in many cases the pups suffer serious and painful health conditions resulting in some having to be put to sleep, causing great distress to the new owners."

The Minister continued: "The coordinated, multi-agency approach which my Department and partner agencies are taking at the ports, is proving successful in detecting illegal activity, both through operations at the ports and intelligence sharing between the agencies. However, the public's help in stopping this cruel trade is critical. I would encourage anyone with information about this criminal activity to pass it on to either my department, councils, PSNI or the Harbour Police if they think they have any information which would help stop the illegal movement of dogs."

The Paws for Thought multi-agency group said: "Illegal dog breeding and smuggling of pups is frequently operated by organised crime gangs only interested in making huge profits selling 'designer' pups in GB. They have no regard to the welfare of the dogs and many of the pups that are detected and rescued during operations are suffering from extremely painful health conditions. Members of the public can, and have been, of huge help in reporting any suspicious activity to the authorities.

"We would urge anyone who witnesses or hears anything suspicious when travelling through the ports, or has any information or has witnessed something locally that indicates illegal dog breeding or movement of illegally bred dogs is taking place, to please report this to the relevant authority (an illegal consignment of pups hidden in a lorry were rescued last year when a passenger alerted staff after hearing the dogs)."

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