
Other News In Brief

Minister Announces Extended PRONI Opening Hours

Communities Minister, Gordon Lyons, has reintroduced extended opening hour for the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) on Thursday evenings from 5-8pm.

This change to service will commence on Thursday 12 September and will continue until the end of November 2024 when the effectiveness of late-night opening will be reviewed.

Minister Lyons said: "My Department recognises that not all our citizens can visit PRONI during the standard working week. This extended opening will greatly facilitate and widen access to our public records for everyone. Widening access to records is a core element underpinning PRONI’s 2024/25 campaign to celebrate inclusivity and diversity within the archives."

Alliance Condemns Paramilitary Intimidation In Bangor

Alliance Party North Down MLA Andrew Muir and Bangor Councillor Alex Harbinson have condemned those responsible for paramilitary intimidation against a young mother of two in the town.

The incident occurred in the Rathgill estate area of the city, wherein masked UDA men made threats against the young woman, telling her that she had 24 hours to leave her home or "the house is getting it."

Mr Muir has said: "There is absolutely no place for such sinister attempts at intimidation against anyone in our community for any reason.

"It is the bare minimum that everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes. Those involved must be isolated, all they offer is fear and distress.
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"We must do everything in our power to stand up to this kind of senseless intimidation, and I am engaging with the police on this serious matter."

Cllr Harbinson added: "The behaviour displayed in the footage backing up these reports, targeting a mother with two young children, is nothing short of repugnant.

"This is not who we are in Bangor, and does not in any way represent the views of the vast majority of local people in the community.

"This is never acceptable. The perpetrators must be challenged robustly, and unequivocally, by all across society, and we will work together with police to ensure they are held to account."

Fuel Cuts 'Deeply Concerning' – SF

The UK Government's decision to cut fuel payments for pensioners has been described as "deeply concerning", by Sinn Féin MLA Colm Gildernew.

The party's communities spokesperson said: "All Executive parties have collectively highlighted deep concerns that one of the first acts of the new British government is to cut fuel payments for pensioners in a letter to the British Prime Minister.

"People are already struggling with the cost of living including increased fuel and energy bills.

"The new British government needs to leave behind the failed Tory austerity policies of the past 14 years and work to protect workers and families and public services.

"Our collective focus must now be to ensure those pensioners who are most in need of the winter fuel payment get it in a timely manner.

"It is vital that the Executive continues to do all in its power to protect those most in need and I urge the communities minister to bring forward the 'Anti-Poverty' and 'Fuel Poverty' strategies as soon as possible."

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