
Other News In Brief

Infrastructure Minister Announces Ballymena Roadworks

Infrastructure Minister John O'Dowd has announced a major programme of roadworks in Ballymena.

The £340,000 carriageway and footway resurfacing scheme on Henry Street / Gilmore Street will get underway on Monday 2 September 2024.

Minister O'Dowd said: "This is a substantial investment for the Ballymena area which will deliver significant benefits for residents, businesses and road users. The investment demonstrates my commitment to improving our rural road network, which is vital for connecting our businesses and communities. I would like to thank residents, local businesses and commuters for their patience while this essential infrastructure work is carried out."

To facilitate the safe delivery of the scheme it will be necessary to implement a lane closure from 8.00 am on Monday 2 September until 7.00 pm on Saturday 5 October and again from 8.00 am on Thursday 17 October until 5.00 pm on Wednesday 30 October to facilitate all footway works.

A full road closure will then be implemented from 7.00 pm on Saturday 5 October until 5.00 pm on Friday 11 October, to facilitate resurfacing works on Henry Street.

A further closure will then be implemented from 8.00 am on Monday 14 October until 5.00 pm on Wednesday 16 October, to facilitate resurfacing works on Gilmore Street.

During the times of the road closure a diversionary route will be signed via: Larne Road link, Larne Road and vice-versa.
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The Department has programmed the work operations and traffic management arrangements to minimise inconvenience. However, while steps have been taken to accommodate local access throughout the scheme, road users should expect some delays and are advised to allow additional time when travelling in the vicinity of the works and are asked to comply with all temporary traffic restrictions.

Subject to favourable weather conditions the works will be substantially complete by Wednesday 30 October 2024, however the Department will keep the public informed of any change.

DUP MLA Attends 45th Narrow Water Memorial Event

DUP MLA for South Down, Diane Forsythe, has attended the 45th anniversary memorial event at Narrow Water, to "remember the terrorist murder of 18 British soldiers".

Speaking following the event on 27 August, Diane Forsythe said: "This was an horrific act of evil, with a horrendous loss of life as a result of the barbarity of the IRA.

"These soldiers had joined our armed forces to serve our country. They had come to Northern Ireland at a time when terrorism was causing bloodshed and destruction, yet chose to serve here to stand against terrorism and to protect the wider community. Their bravery was clear, but the cowardice of terrorism was to result in their lives being lost here at Narrow Water.

"Today it was a solemn privilege to stand with others who, 45 years on, recognise the importance of ensuring this sacrifice is always remembered. Narrow Water is a reminder of the futility of terrorism. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who continue to mourn."

Belfast Woman Convicted For Dog Attack On Child

Belfast City Council has welcomed the sentencing of a woman following her conviction for an offence involving a dog attacking a person.

The Council brought the prosecution against Shauneen Brown of Broom Drive, Belfast.

This was after reports that Ms Brown's Pug type dog had attacked and injured a three-year-old boy, biting him on the arm, at Broom Drive, Belfast on 2 June 2023.

Ms Brown received a 4-month prison sentence, suspended for one year and required to pay £131 legal and court costs.

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