
NI's First Independent Autism Reviewer Appointed

The appointment of Northern Ireland's first Independent Autism Reviewer has been announced by Health Minister, Mike Nesbitt.

Ema Cubitt was selected for the role following a Public Appointment Competition and will take up office in September for a five-year period.

Although the Reviewer has been appointed by the Department of Health, the role is independent of Northern Ireland departments. The Reviewer's role will include monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the Autism Strategy and reviewing the adequacy of services provided to autistic people, their families and carers across government departments, public bodies and the health and social care sector.

Minister Nesbitt said: "I am delighted to be able to appoint an independent Autism Reviewer for Northern Ireland as I understand the importance of this post for autistic people and their families. I would like to wish Ema the very best as she prepares to take up the position.
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"We all have a responsibility and a role to play in ensuring that autistic people and their families can feel understood, accepted and supported within our communities and in the delivery of our services. My Department will continue to work in partnership across government departments, the health and social care sector, public bodies and the community and voluntary sector, to make this happen."

Mrs Cubitt said: "I am honoured to take on this responsibility and I am committed to serving the autistic community.

"It is crucially important that we all work together across our public services to address the challenges faced by autistic people and I am committed to ensuring that their voices, and those of their families and carers, are heard.

"Alongside Northern Ireland's autistic community, I am dedicated to overseeing consistent delivery of high standards and best practice across government departments and public services."

The Reviewer's statutory responsibilities will include monitoring service effectiveness and funding, reviewing the adequacy of laws and practices, commissioning research on best practices, and providing annual reports and advice to the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Mrs Cubitt is a Law and Governance graduate from Ulster University and holds a postgraduate Diploma in Professional Legal Studies from the Institute of Professional Legal Studies at Queen's University, Belfast. She has extensive experience as a qualified solicitor in both private practice and public service over a period of 15 years.

Over the last three years, Mrs Cubitt has provided unpaid assistance to families and carers facing difficulties accessing support in the areas of social security, education, and employment.

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