
Almost 10,000 Children Register For Childcare Subsidy Scheme

Almost 10,000 children have been registered for the new Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme within just two weeks of it opening.

The Scheme has been introduced to ease the financial pressures on households and to enable more parents to remain in or return to work.

Welcoming the uptake of the new scheme, Education Minister, Paul Givan, said: "I am very encouraged that uptake of the scheme has been so strong and that in the two weeks since parental registration opened, almost 10,000 children have been signed up to receive the 15% subsidy. The families of these children will see their childcare bills reduced from September 2024.

"I have stated that making childcare more affordable was one of my top priorities, and I am pleased that this scheme is about to deliver on that commitment for hard-working families across Northern Ireland. My intention was to have the scheme operational by September this year and am delighted that we are on track to do so."
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The subsidy can be offered by registered childcare providers who are signed up to the Tax Free Childcare (TFC) scheme and can register a child below primary school age. This includes daycares, playgroups, childminders and Approved Home Childcare (AHC) providers.

The Minister continued: "I am grateful for the excellent work of our delivery agent, Early Years Organisation for helping us achieve this and to other partners who have helped to promote the scheme and support its rapid roll-out. I specifically want to pay tribute to the 1280 childcare providers, including daycares, childminders, playgroups and Approved Home Childcarers who have so far signed up to offer the scheme to their parents."

Concluding, the Minister said: "Although the closing day (20th August) has just passed for guaranteeing timely September payments, registration remains open for both providers and parents and I would encourage anyone who has not yet signed up, to do so as soon as possible. Early Years Organisation will continue to process these as they receive them."

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