
Sir Keir Starmer Visits Northern Ireland Police College

PSNI Chief Constable Jon Boutcher has welcomed Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, to the Northern Ireland Police College, Garnerville, on Monday 19 August.

The Chief Constable and Sir Keir met a number of officers injured during recent disorder in Belfast and L'Derry.
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Following the visit the Chief Constable said: "It has been a tough couple of weeks for policing in Northern Ireland. Twenty of my officers were injured as they stood in harm's way to protect our communities. I am incredibly proud of their efforts and am very grateful to the Prime Minister for the support he has shown the PSNI with his visit here today.

"It is clear from my conversations with Sir Keir that he is deeply invested in policing in Northern Ireland. Today's visit was a valuable opportunity for him to hear from those, quite literally on the front line about the challenges, threats and violence they face.

"I know he was as impressed as I always am at the courage and professionalism shown by PSNI officers in the face of such senseless and despicable attacks.

"I briefed the Prime Minister on the significant challenges facing the PSNI and I was grateful for the opportunity to discuss these with him again."

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