
PSNI To Increase Police Numbers Across Belfast

The PSNI is to increase the number of officers on active patrol following a number of days of street violence and disorder across Belfast.

The police service has also submitted a formal request to the National Police Co-ordination Centre (NPCC) for additional officers from across the United Kingdom to support the policing operation.
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Making the announcement, Assistant Chief Constable Melanie Jones said: "As a result of the ongoing street violence and disorder we have seen across Belfast since the weekend the Police Service of Northern Ireland has taken a decision to significantly mobilise the service. Unfortunately this will mean officers and staff working longer shifts and rest days.

"Increasing our resources and footprint across Northern Ireland in the coming days will enable us to manage planned events and deal with any sporadic incidents, including disorder."

On the request to the NPCC, she added: "The Mutual Aid officers will provide vital resilience and support and will be given all of the necessary equipment and familiarisation training.

"Any officers who may come to Northern Ireland would specifically assist with the ongoing public disorder and protests and not every day policing.

"We will continue to keep this under review."

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