
'Chronic Underfunding' Of Water Infrastructure Must Be Addressed

The Alliance Party has called for urgent action on the "chronic underfunding" of Northern Ireland's water and wastewater infrastructure.

Infrastructure Spokesperson and South Down MLA, Andy McMurray, made the call after it was revealed that more than 1.2million tonnes of raw sewage is being discharged into the River Foyle each year.

McMurray said: "The level of sewage being pumped into the Foyle, in such a small stretch of water, is quite shocking.
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"It is, however, merely reflective of the inability of our water infrastructure to cope with the demands placed upon it. Our water infrastructure has been chronically underfunded for many years and merely spending to stand still has proved to be demonstrably unsustainable. Investment is required urgently.

"Our water and wastewater infrastructure are vital to maintaining public health, enabling development in key areas like housing, supporting economic growth, and protecting our environment. Alliance will continue to advocate for solutions to put NI Water on a sound financial footing. This should include consideration of mutualising it so that it can borrow to invest in our water and wastewater infrastructure."

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