
Health Minister Expresses His Support For Health Care Staff

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has expressed his support for health and social care staff following recent racist attacks and intimidation in Northern Ireland.

Minister Nesbitt said: "We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated health and social care workforce here. They truly are the backbone of the NHS, but I am both saddened and appalled that we have staff who are feeling vulnerable and unwelcome at this time.
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"Let me be very clear, you are welcome and deeply valued. We recognise and appreciate the role you play in our communities and are grateful for the vital contribution you make to patients and society every day.

"We must all stand together to reject the reprehensible behaviour and violence we have seen in recent days – there can be no justification for racism or xenophobia.

"I am very proud of the diversity within our health service and want all staff to know that you have my full support."

The health, safety and wellbeing of health and social care staff is always a priority. HSC employers are continuing to provide support for staff as needed.

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