
Other News In Brief

Man Arrested After Threatening People With A Knife In Lurgan Park

A man has been arrested in Lurgan in connection with reports of a man threatening people with a knife.

At around 7pm last night, police received a report that a man, armed with a knife, was threatening young people in Lord Lurgan Memorial Park.

Officers attended and located the man in a house in a street nearby. He was arrested on suspicion of two counts of common assault and possession of an article with a blade or point. He remains in police custody at this time.

Inspector Woods said: "Thankfully, there were no reports of any injuries, but this was a terrifying incident for the young victims.

"Our investigation is ongoing and we would appeal to anyone who witnessed the incident or who has any information to contact police on 101 and quote reference 1421 01/08/24."

PSNI Must Uphold Professionalism – DUP

The PSNI must uphold its professionalism and impartiality, DUP Mid Ulster MLA and Policing Board representative Keith Buchanan has said.

Buchanan welcomed acknowledgement by the Chief Constable that officers who took part in GAA celebrations in Camlough last weekend did not act professionally or independently.

Commenting after raising the issue at a meeting of the Policing Board on Thursday, Mr Buchanan said: "The scenes on Sunday night in Camlough were unacceptable and I am pleased that the Chief Constable has since recognised that the behaviour of his officers lacked professionalism and impartiality.
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"Jon Boutcher has been keen to stress that no officer will be sacked, suspended or relocated. However, if those involved are found to have either broken the law or breached the PSNI Code of Ethics, then the public will rightly expect action to be taken. There can be no double standard in how allegations of careless and dangerous driving are dealt with. Those who uphold the law are equally subject to it. None of this should be swept under the carpet.

"There must also be a robust investigation into the apparent security breach at Lurgan PSNI station, during which GAA flags were erected on the building. The Chief Constable's suggestion that the incident took officers unaware is unlikely to fill those working and visiting local stations with confidence. Evidence gathering now underway must ultimately lead to action against those responsible."

Education Minister Urged To Prioritise Education Funding

The Education Minister has bee urged to prioritise funding for programmes which support the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children.

Sinn Féin MLA and spokesperson for children and young people, Danny Baker, said: …The Belfast wide early years pilot programme plays an invaluable role providing early intervention and supporting the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children.

"This is key to children with special educational needs (SEN) being able to access educational psychology services, speech and language and occupational therapy.

"Given the positive impact of the pilot programme, the Education Minister initially agreed to provide funding for an additional year.

"On this basis, programme partners planned ahead and allocated places for children who are due to start in September.

"However, the Department of Education has since indicated that there is uncertainty around this funding which is a major concern for the organisations, children and families affected.

"I am calling on the Education Minister to engage with the organisations impacted and use his budget allocation to priortise support for the most disadvantaged vulnerable children and young people, including the Belfast wide early years pilot programme.”

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