
Rail Review Has Potential To 'Transform Our Rail Network'

The newly published All-Island Strategic Rail Review has the potential to "transform our rail network", Infrastructure Minister John O'Dowd has said as he welcomed the publication of Review's Final Report.

Welcoming the report and its 32 strategic recommendations, Minister O'Dowd said: "This is an ambitious piece of work carried out by independent consultants, which has the potential to transform our rail network across the island. It offers an opportunity to deliver real and lasting change for people, communities and our island economy through faster speeds, improved frequency, new routes, and improved accessibility and connectivity across the island.

"An expanded and improved rail network offers opportunities to drive jobs and growth, stimulate development and regeneration, boost access to services and education and help to address regional imbalances. It will also help decarbonise transport and encourage behavioural shift to public transport.

"I recognise that many will be disappointed by the omission of rail connections to Fermanagh, in particular Enniskillen. I too am disappointed with this recommendation, as I am aware of the potential benefits that adequate transport and connectivity can bring to a region, by boosting local economies, creating jobs and prosperity.
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"Following the consultation period last year, I asked the consultants to review this, but they concluded that a new railway line did not appear to stimulate sufficient demand to support a rail service within the timeframe of the Review. I am committed to addressing regional imbalance whilst in office and I will continue to explore opportunities and possibilities to maximise this potential for Fermanagh.

"The development of the Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan and the Fermanagh and Omagh Transport Plans offer opportunities to consider the transport needs of the people of Fermanagh and how we best meet those needs. These new plans are being developed to cover the period up to 2035 and will review transport needs on a multi modal basis.

"These transport plans will incorporate active travel, public transport links, and new road networks, such as the A4 Enniskillen Bypass, which will begin to address the regional imbalance to the Fermanagh area. Thereby assisting an increase in tourism to the region, enhancing the case for rail to Fermanagh before, or during, the inbuilt review in 10 years' time."

Concluding the Minister said: "Today opens a new chapter where we can shape a better future for everyone by decarbonising key services and investing in climate adaptation measures. Getting infrastructure right, and investing in it accordingly, can create the foundations for better rural and urban communities."

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