
Other News In Brief

Rail Review Must Be Start Of Better Transport Across Ireland – SDLP

The SDLP has welcomed the publication of the Final Report of the All Island Strategic Rail Review, which Infrastructure Spokesperson, Mark H Durkan, said must be the start of plans for better transport connections across Ireland.

Mr Durkan said that while the ambition of the review was welcome, areas like the North West and Enniskillen would still be underserved by the proposals.

Foyle MLA Mr Durkan said: "The SDLP brought forward the All Island Strategic Rail Review while in government at Stormont and worked with our colleagues in the Irish Government, envisaging a plan that would change the face of rail travel right across our island. The recommendations published today would go a long way to improving connectivity for cities and towns right across Ireland, but there is still some work to do.

"Despite the clear ambition in these proposals, the North West on both sides of the border and places like Enniskillen will be disappointed that these proposals will mean a continued lack of rail provision in their area. The SDLP has repeatedly highlighted the need to ensure that no part of our island is left behind, both when bringing the rail review together and in our Assembly Opposition motion calling for a costed implementation plan.

"The benefits of this rail review are clear, they will bring our island closer together, making it easier for people to travel for work, socialising or holidays and will also create economic opportunities by establishing links with our airports and major cities. Improved public transport links are key in our attempts to combat the climate crisis and if we are ever going to get people to leave their cars and other vehicles at home then we need to get serious and invest in a modern public transport network, of which these new rail links will be a crucial element.

"Like everything in the North these exciting plans will be jeopardised by the perilous state of our public finances. Given the struggles that the Department for Infrastructure are having in delivering existing projects and the slippage we've already seen on the Derry-Coleraine rail improvement scheme, it is hard to see them delivering something on this scale. I would urge DfI to work with their colleagues in the Irish and British governments and to do everything possible to deliver these plans that will change the way people travel in Ireland for generations to come."

County Tyrone Farmer Fined For Pollution Incident

A County Tyrone farmer has been fined following an Eskragh Water pollution incident in October, 2023.
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At Omagh Magistrates' Court, 23-year-old Henry McCarney of Garvallagh Road, Fintona, pleaded guilty to an offence under Article 7(1)(a) of the Water (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. He was fined £750 plus £15 Offenders Levy.

The Court heard that on 3 October 2023, NIEA Water Quality Inspectors (WQIs) examined a tributary of the Eskragh Water (known locally as Agharonan Drain) which was polluted extensively with sewage fungus. The Inspector discovered a grossly polluted sheugh at the northern end of the farm which was discharging farm effluent with the odour and appearance of silage effluent into the Drain. Upstream of this point the Agharonan Drain was clean.

The Inspectors examined a manhole on the farm, where the evidence showed that a recent discharge to the storm water system had occurred. This incident was classified as medium severity with approximately 300 metres of waterway impacted by this discharge.

A tripartite statutory sample was collected from the end of the sheugh where it entered the main waterway. The sample was analysed. The material represented by the sample contained poisonous, noxious or polluting matter which would have been potentially harmful to aquatic life in a receiving waterway.

Anyone wishing to report a pollution incident can call the 24-hour Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60.

Maskey Praises Ongoing Efforts Of West Belfast Community Leaders

Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey has praised youth, community and voluntary workers for their efforts in west Belfast over the last number of weeks keeping young people away from anti-social behaviour.

The West Belfast MP was speaking after convening a meeting of local community and youth workers, community police officers and other statutory bodies and agencies.

Paul Maskey said: "We organised today's meeting to review our response to recent sporadic anti-social behaviour in west Belfast which has occurred over the past while.

"I've been engaging with statutory, voluntary and community organisations, and local residents to achieve a resolution to these issues for many months now.

"These activities by a small number of young people are not representative of our community and are in stark contrast to the hugely positive work that is being done to continue the positive transformation of west Belfast.

"The meeting included key local people who have been central to the community response and who will be continuing to have a presence on the ground in the coming weeks to keep young people safe.

"I want to use this opportunity to appeal parents and the young people themselves to not get caught up in this kind of behaviour which could have a really detrimental impact on their future and lead to a criminal record.

"Youth and community workers have played a fantastic role on the ground in recent weeks, going above and beyond their call of duty to keep anti-social behaviour to a minimum. These workers are pillars of our community and deserve every praise.

"Sinn Féin will continue working hard with the local community to keep our young people safe."

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