
DAERA Minister Commits To New Seabird Conservation Strategy

Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Andrew Muir, has committed to the development of a new Seabird Conservation Strategy during an official visit to Rathlin Island.

Minister Muir learned about the protection of the seabird population and their importance for biodiversity and ecotourism to Rathlin.

During his visit, the Minister saw for himself the seasonal puffin colony on Rathlin Island at RSPB Seabird Centre at the West Light and assured the islanders that the Seabird Conservation Strategy will soon be out to consultation.

Speaking on his visit, Minister Muir said: "I have had a very educational trip visiting sites across Rathlin Island, seeing the incredible puffin colony and learning about the invaluable work done by the RSPB team at the West Light Seabird Centre. I also had the opportunity to meet with the Rathlin Acting for Tomorrow (LIFE Raft) project, to learn about their efforts to eradicate non-native ferrets and rats which predate on the seabird colonies. I held a very informative meeting with the Rathin Development and Community Association and spoke to the farmers that maintain the precious land area in the most beautiful but challenging of circumstances."

He added: "The most recent UK assessment of seabirds under the UK Marine Strategy shows that many seabird species are under severe pressure. Protecting island seabird nesting colonies around the whole of the UK is a key measure which is crucial to their recovery. I understand the pressures on our seabird populations, and the need for further action. I am committed to producing a Seabird Conservation Strategy and intend to launch the public consultation by the end of September.
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"Threats to birdlife also put Rathlin's economy at risk with 20,000 visitors to the Seabird Centre each year, providing a vital source of income to the island residents. Rathlin offers a unique ecological experience in Northern Ireland with seabird colonies, amazing underwater biodiversity, rare species like the Rathlin golden hare, and corncrakes living side by side with agriculture and fishing. The Rathlin residents and RSPB are an example to us all in how we can work with nature in our efforts to preserve our environment for generations to come."

Rathlin Island which hosts Northern Ireland's largest seabird colony is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA). The sea area around Rathlin is also a Marine Protected Area. The island supports over 20,000 breeding seabirds which includes puffins. The draft Environmental Improvement Plan for Northern Ireland has a target to develop and consult on a Seabird Conservation Strategy for Northern Ireland. The aim of the strategy is to improve and restore seabird populations through effective management of current and emerging threats.

Also speaking at the visit John Martin, Head of Policy and Advocacy at RSPB said: "It was great to host the DAERA Minister Andrew Muir and officials on Rathlin Island on Friday. The island is one of the most important seabird colonies in the UK and Ireland and it is hard not to be wowed by the spectacle of the seabird colony at the West Lighthouse. We also got a briefing from the team delivering LIFE RAFT, a multi-million pound conservation project funded by the EU, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, DAERA, the Rathlin Development and Community Association, the Garfield Weston Foundation, and the RSPB. The project is seeking to further bolster seabirds and deliver a lasting legacy for the island. We talked through a range of issues including a pending seabird conservation strategy which will be pivotal in delivering for seabirds and marine life across our whole coastline."

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