
Other News In Brief

Two-Child Cap 'Cruel And Unnecessary' – Alliance

The Alliance Party has described the two-child cap on Universal Credit as "cruel and unnecessary".

Lagan Valley MP, Sorcha Eastwood, was speaking after voting to abolish the limit on an amendment by the Labour Government in Parliament. The policy prevents parents from claiming universal credit or tax credits for more than two children.

Ms Eastwood said it was a disappointing result but the policy still needed removed.

"I am proud to have voted in Parliament to support an amendment calling for an end to the two-child limit to universal credit," she said.

"Poverty is not a choice – it is a result of political decisions. This cruel and unnecessary policy will achieve nothing except putting thousands more families and children into poverty.

"It was a deeply disappointing move from the new Government. Even in purely financial terms, it does not make sense, with taxpayers not saving money and in fact a cost to them, as untold damage is done to many lives.

"Although this amendment wasn't successful, it is vital we continue to take every opportunity we can to get rid of this disgraceful policy."

Belfast Pride Plays 'Vital Economic Role' In City

Belfast Pride plays a "vital economic role" as the city's biggest cross-community festival, the Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Micky Murray, has said.

Cllr Murray joined members of Belfast City Council's Proud staff network to help with their final preparations for Saturday's Pride parade, which is expected to attract thousands of spectators along its route.

He helped employees put the finishing touches to a nature-themed display, celebrating the city's parks and open spaces and the contribution they make towards physical and mental health – tying in with this year's ‘Love Your Mind' festival theme.

Cllr Murray said: "It's great to join our staff today and look ahead to what promises to be a great weekend in Belfast city centre.
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"Belfast Pride is our biggest, brightest and most inclusive festival and it plays a pivotal role in showcasing Belfast and attracting visitors into the city during the summer season. The programme, which now includes more than 150 events, supports our local economy through hotel bed nights and increased dwell time in the city centre, as well as directly supporting our bars, restaurants and accommodation and transport providers.

"Every year, the event gets bigger and better and, this year, the council is pleased to have supported the festival as part of our Belfast 2024 city-wide creative and cultural celebration, enabling local creatives from the LGBTQIA+ community to get involved in additional events and workshops."

The Lord Mayor concluded: "As a proud member of our city's LGBTQIA+ community, I'm delighted to play my part in this year's Pride celebrations.

"This will be my 18th Belfast Pride, but this one will feel extra special as Lord Mayor. I'm looking forward to meeting with various groups at events this week, as well as at Saturday's parade, to acknowledge how far Belfast has come and to highlight the continued need to make sure everyone in our city feels welcome, respected and safe."

DUP Urges Govt To 'Not Be Neutral On The Union'

The UK Government "should not be neutral on the Union", the DUP's Gregory Campbell has told the House of Commons.

The East Londonderry MP said that being part of the United Kingdom enables people who regard themselves as British, Irish or Northern Irish to call Northern Ireland home.

Mr Campbell said: "Whilst some politicians in Northern Ireland obsess about a divisive border poll, that is not what the majority of people living here are focused on. Most people want to make Northern Ireland a better place for them and their children. The combined nationalist vote has remained around 40% since 1998, and even they would prefer a continuation of peace rather than the communal uncertainty and tensions that would inevitably occur in the run up to any such poll.

"The Prime Minister has previously rightly said a border poll is not even on the horizon and he should hold by that position. The Government should never be neutral on the Union and should challenge those who seek to break up the United Kingdom.

"The beauty of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom is that people can be British, Irish, Northern Irish or somewhere in between and all call Northern Ireland home. In a divided society we must focus on building a genuinely shared future where everyone is valued and made to feel at home.

"That means focusing on fixing our public services rather than those wasting massive goodwill and resources on a divisive border poll which they would lose in any case."

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