
Other News In Brief

New Civil Engineering Skills Academy Launched

A new Civil Engineering Skills Academy has been announced by the Department for Infrastructure.

The Skills Academy is seeking to recruit Trainee Civil Engineering Assistants and to provide an introduction to civil engineering and a pathway to the skills and knowledge for a civil service career in surveying, construction, traffic management, health and safety.

Speaking as the Academy opened for applicants, Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd said: "This is an exciting opportunity for people who want to pursue a career in civil engineering. There are 48 places available on this Skills Academy which could ultimately lead to a Trainee Civil Engineering Assistant role in the Department. If you are a school-leaver or wanting a career change or if you are unemployed, this may be the role for you and the start of your journey in the delivery of important public services."

Finance Minister, Dr Caoimhe Archibald, said: "The Civil Service has many different career opportunities, and this Academy offers people interested in pursuing a career in civil engineering a first step to a rewarding career. Successful applicants will receive Civil Service specific training, with a guaranteed job interview at the end of the course, enabling them to upskill or reskill before returning to the workforce or changing career. I encourage anyone looking for an entry level position into the Civil Service and a pathway to a career in civil engineering to apply."

Economy Minister Conor Murphy said: "Developing the local skills base is a key element of my economic vision. This is a fantastic opportunity with the Department for Infrastructure for individuals to develop new skills and to help them secure employment in good jobs. This Academy offers eligible individuals the opportunity to learn the skills necessary for a successful career in the Civil Service, with no previous experience needed."

Alliance Calls On Communities Minister To Prioritise Homelessness Prevention Services

The Minister for Communities, Gordon Lyons, has been urged to prioritise investment in homelessness prevention services.

The number of households on waiting lists for social homes in Northern Ireland has reached 47,312. This includes 29,394 households with homelessness status.
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Making the call, Strangford MLA and Housing Spokesperson, Kellie Armstrong, said: "Northern Ireland is experiencing a homelessness crisis and the Minister for Communities needs to start prioritising homelessness prevention. We simply don't have enough homes and are not building enough new homes to provide sufficient accommodation for everyone.

"The Department of Communities needs to invest in building new homes to reduce waiting lists and prevent families from living in unsatisfactory conditions, rather than investing millions in temporary accommodation.

"The lack of commitment to delivering new build homes and investing in homelessness prevention, will not only neglect to help those experiencing homelessness but will ultimately increase pressure on every Executive department. By not addressing homelessness, more pressure will be put on the PSNI, who have to deal with the fallout such as drug and alcohol abuse, and on our health services, which are dealing with injuries and effects of street sleeping. It is devastating that in Northern Ireland, we are failing to support and protect our citizens instead of taking positive steps to eradicate homelessness.

"The Department for Communities and the NI Housing Executive are also failing to uphold the Concordat agreement the NI government shares with the community and voluntary sector, which states they must work together as respected partners. This week, staff and volunteers working in community prevention and support services, funded through the homelessness services budget, learnt that their organisations and jobs were at risk. This sector plays a vital role in providing support to those who are vulnerable and are experiencing homelessness and should not be taken for granted.

"It's time the Department for Communities and the Executive prioritised investment in helping the most vulnerable in our society and the frontline staff supporting them."

Sinn Féin Welcomes New Agri-Food Investment

Sinn Féin MLA Declan McAleer has welcomed the launch of a new £46million scheme to support agri-food and drink businesses.

Declan McAleer said: "I welcome the new a £46million Agri-Food Investment Initiative to support local agri-food and drink businesses in the north by the Economy Minister Conor Murphy.

"Agri-food is one of our most exciting and successful industries and at times world leading.

"The £46million Agri-Food Investment Initiative will help support the long-term sustainability of the sector and help continue to showcase the quality of our local produce, the excellence of our local producers and the strength of our agri-food industry as a whole.

"Full details on eligibility, the support available and how to apply is available at www.investni.com/support-for-business/agri-food-investment-initiative."

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