
New £1.9m Jobstart Scheme For Over-50s

The Department for Communities has announced a new £1.9 million scheme to help boost employment opportunities for the over-50s.

JobStart 50+ will provide around 180 jobs across a range of sectors in a 'test and learn' pilot exercise funded by the UK government. The funding will be used to evaluate the impact of job support programmes for the over-50 age group and employers.

The scheme will mirror the Department for Communities' successful JobStart programme for 16 to 24-year-olds which saw 77 per cent of participants progress into full-time employment as a result of the skills and experience acquired through their JobStart opportunity.
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Welcoming the funding allocation, Minister for Communities, Gordon Lyons, said: "This additional funding provides us with a significant opportunity to enhance the life chances of the over-50 age group who have found it difficult, for a range of reasons, to enter or re-enter the labour market.

"The JobStart 50+ scheme will also provide my Department with further insight on the particular challenges being faced by this group.

"The funding will make a real difference in helping people overcome those challenges and provide the practical support needed to build confidence and skills to maximise employability."

JobStart 50+ opportunities will be open to those aged 50 to 64 who are unemployed or economically inactive. The Department will work with employers and participants to secure appropriate job opportunities which provide the necessary skills to support sustainable employability.

The scheme is a partnership between HM Treasury, the Northern Ireland Office and the Department for Communities.

For further information on how to access the support available under the JobStart 50+ Scheme visit NI Direct

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