
Alliance Welcome Milestone On Mother And Baby Institutions

Alliance has welcomed a significant milestone achieved regarding Mother and Baby institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses, but warns that there is still a considerable journey ahead.

The party's Executive Office spokesperson, Paula Bradshaw, emphasised that while the First Minister's statement to the Assembly marking the initiation of a public inquiry and initial redress scheme is a significant milestone, there remains a substantial journey ahead towards achieving full truth recovery and recognition for victims and survivors.
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The South Belfast MLA, who chairs the Committee for the Executive Office at Stormont, said that the confirmation that legislation will now be consulted upon to provide for a statutory public inquiry and initial financial redress scheme is "a welcome step for all those who, over generations, were affected by the Mother & Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses scandal".

In a statement, Paula Bradshaw said:

"It is important that the twelve-week consultation period is put to maximum use and that information gathered during it is used effectively to deliver the best possible legislation for introduction during this calendar year. There is no further time to be lost.

"There should also, as part of the process, be a focus on learning from the redress scheme set up for victims and survivors of Historical Institutional Abuse of Children. We must also be clear throughout that what is needed is redress and recognition of the suffering and harm caused.

"For victims and survivors, there remains a long journey still ahead, but at least now we are clearly on the right road."

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