
Danske Bank Renews Sponsorship Of Ulster Rugby Schools

Danske Bank has announced the renewal of its sponsorship of Ulster Rugby Schools for another three years, highlighting its dedication to supporting youth development through sports.

This renewed sponsorship will see Danske Bank maintaining its partnership and investment in the Boys Schools' Cup, Girls Schools' Cup, High Schools' Cup, Medallion Shield, U16 Cup and various other competitions.

The Danske Bank Schools' Cup is the world's second oldest rugby competition, after the Hospitals Cup, having been competed for every year since 1876. It is run by Ulster Rugby, and has been sponsored by Danske Bank since 2005.

In addition to the flagship Schools' Cup competitions, Danske Bank's support will extend to the Schools' Subsidiary Shield, Bowl, Trophy, Medallion Plate, Medallion Bowl, Medallion Trophy, as well as the 2nd XV Cup, 3rd XV Cup and their respective subsidiary competitions.

The competitions commence in September, with the traditional Schools' Cup St Patrick's Day Final at Kingspan Stadium—one of the most celebrated events in the local rugby calendar.

As Danske Bank celebrates its 200-year anniversary, the bank continues to place supporting communities at the heart of its business and has long-term sponsorships in place to support youth sport across rugby, football and Gaelic football and hurling.
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Phil Smyth, Managing Director of Commercial Development, Danske Bank, stated: "This next season will mark the 20th year of Danske Bank support for Ulster Schools’ Rugby. When we first started working together, the main competition was the renowned Boys Schools’ Cup, but over the years our support has grown and diversified to other competitions such as the Girls Schools’ Cup, the High Schools’ Cup and the U16 Cup. This evolution means there are now more opportunities than ever for young people to access and play high-quality schools rugby at all levels.

"In 2024, we are marking 200 years of supporting Northern Ireland people, businesses and society. We’re looking forward to another three years of working together with the Ulster Rugby team to continue the growth of the game for all."

Keith Shorten, Head of Commercial, Ulster Rugby, said: "We are delighted that Danske Bank has chosen to continue its long-term support for schools’ rugby across the province. Hundreds of girls and boys are able to compete every season, with many of our Senior players, including Ireland internationals India Daley and Stuart McCloskey, first making a name for themselves in a schools’ competition.

"Danske Bank exemplify the positive impact that a sponsor of our grassroots game can have in the local community. As well as supporting the ambitions of schools’ players hoping to play the game at the highest level, their investment in the sport also creates the opportunity for young people to develop a lifelong love of sport and staying active, which brings immeasurable health and well-being benefits at all ages. We look forward to continuing on with our successful partnership in the years to come."

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