
Other News In Brief

Man Arrested In Connection With Violent Burglary In Larne

A man has been arrested in connection with a violent burglary in Larne on Monday, 17 June.

At approximately 9.45pm, police received a report that a man had forced his way into a property in the Cranfield Park area and assaulted the woman who lived there.

Detective Sergeant McDowell said: "The woman, aged in her 60s, sustained serious facial injuries.

"A 31-year-old-man was arrested outside the property on suspicion of burglary, non-fatal strangulation and grievous bodily harm with intent.

"He remains in custody as our enquiries continue. I would appeal to anyone who may be able to assist with our investigation or who may have relevant CCTV footage to contact us on 101, quoting reference 1871 17/06/24."

Alternatively, you can submit a report online using the non-emergency reporting form via www.psni.police.uk/makeareport/

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org/

Greens Welcome Court Of Appeal Ruling On Gas Caverns

The Green Party has welcomed the Court of Appeal ruling that the Department for Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Affairs "made an irrational decision when allowing plans for the construction of environmentally damaging storage caverns under Larne Lough".

Welcoming the "huge victory" for the campaign by No Gas Caverns and Friends of the Earth, Green Deputy Leader, Lesley Veronica, said that the plans would have seen the construction of seven skyscraper sized caverns under Larne Lough. These were to be carved out of salt layers under the lough which would have resulted in the creation of a 'dead zone' due to the excavation process. Priority species, which are protected under legislation, including harbour porpoise and skate can be found within 100 meters of the discharge point. The resulting hyper salination of the water in the Lough would have resulted in environmental damage for several kilometres and would cause major environmental destruction to the area.
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Ms Veronica said: "Today's ruling has been five years in the making. It is no underestimation to say that the core of this has been a group of concerned Islandmagee citizens' who have worked tirelessly to see the original permission overturned.

"No Gas Caverns have also acknowledged the importance of the support they received from groups such as RSPB, Ulster Wildlife, Wild Justice, Uplift UK, Law for Change, The PILS project and of course Friends of the Earth, Northern Ireland.

"On the same day when the EU passed the Nature Restoration Law this ruling establishes guidelines for future decisions and makes it clear that the courts are prepared to make sure that the Executive acts within the law.

"The Green Party want to extend a huge congratulations and sincere thanks to all of those who have worked so hard for both of these significant environmental victories and hope that this is the start of many more to come."

DUP Commit To Championing Cause Of WASPI Women

The DUP has committed to champion the cause of WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) women, who still seek redress for unilateral and discriminatory changes to state pension age.

Westminster Candidate, Jim Shannon, said: "As a Member of Parliament, together with my Party Leader Gavin Robinson, we have fought alongside WASPI women from Northern Ireland and right across the UK to right the wrongs imposed upon them by the wholly unjust changes to the state pension age.

"Progress has been made, but we still have much more to do to secure full redress. I welcome the report of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman which found the Department for Work and Pensions was clearly guilty of maladministration over its treatment of WASPI women. This finding was key to making the Government accountable for the impact of their actions.

"We now need the next Government to step up with action. Upon taking office, DUP MPs will be working to ensure compensation is forthcoming, and that any such compensation is at the level that fully reflects the terrible impact on WASPI women.

"It is deeply disappointing that both Labour and the Conservatives have thus far failed to commit to appropriate redress for these women in this election campaign. DUP MPs will not turn their back on those affected. We will work tirelessly to keep this important issue to the fore in the next Parliament."

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