
Women Sentenced In Connection With Death Of Katie Simpson

Three women have been sentenced at Londonderry Crown Court for offences in connection with the death of Katie Simpson.

21 year old Katie died in hospital days after an incident at an address in Gortnessy Meadows in L'Derry on 3 August 2020.

Jonathan Creswell, who was accused of Katie's rape and murder, was found dead in April of this year, shortly after his trial had commenced.

The three co-defendants are Hayley Robb (aged 30), Jill Robinson (42) and Rose de Montmorency-Wright (23).

Hayley Robb had previously admitted to withholding information and to perverting the course of justice by washing Creswell's clothes and by cleaning blood in his home. She was sentenced to serve two years in prison, suspended for two years.

Jill Robinson, who had admitted to perverting the course of justice by washing Creswell's clothes, was sentenced to 16 months in prison, suspended for two years.
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Rose de Montmorency-Wright, who had admitted to withholding information while knowing of Creswell's alleged assault on Katie, was sentenced to eight months in prison, suspended for two years.

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Gibson said: "Katie Simpson lost her life at the age of just 21, leaving family members and many close friends bereft. She was at the heart of a family who simply adored her."

Detective Chief Inspector Gibson continued: "The trial for Katie's alleged rape and murder got underway on 23 April but quickly ended when the defendant Jonathan Creswell was found dead the following morning.

"Katie's loved ones have experienced a loss beyond words. Theirs is a sorrow deepened and prolonged by a lack of closure.

"While three co-defendants have today been held to account for their individual actions in connection with Katie's death, I'm aware that a family's nightmare goes on. My thoughts, along with those of my team, are with Katie's family and friends who remain heartbroken."

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